Dunn Ram Trucks stocks a wide variety of pre-owned vehicles, located on the Trans Canada Highway between Winnipeg and Brandon, Manitoba. Trade-ins, lease returns, company vehicles - there is an assortment of used cars, trucks, CUVs and SUVs. We sell Jeep, Ram, Chrysler, Chevrolet, GMC, Buick, Ford, Honda, Hyundai and Kia - many models, many makes.

Dunn Ram Trucks Used near Winnipeg and Brandon, Manitoba

Every used vehicle is reconditioned to a high mechanical and cosmetic standard and comes with a complete Car Proof Inspection. Many of our pre-owned inventory qualify for our Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle standards. Certified vehicles include 24 Hour Roadside Assistance, 85+ Point Inspection, Manufacturer's warranty and an Exchange Privilege.

Used Truck Dealership in Portage la Prairie

We understand that when you are in the market for a used vehicle, you are focused on trying to find the right truck, car or SUV, but you are also looking for a dealership that you trust. Check out our extensive inventory of pre-owned vehicles, of all makes and models. Arrange a test drive with one of our Sales Professionals - or ask about our online buying process.

Trade in Your Vehicle

See the market for your car today. We pay top dollar and want you to look at the same data we do to determine what your car may be worth. In 2 steps and 10 seconds you can skip the tireless research process and guesswork. Click to Value your Trade.

Financing Options on Pre-owned Vehicles

After you find the right used vehicle for your needs, our Finance Centre will be here to assist you will each step to secure a loan that works with your budget and create payments that work for you. We work with a number of banks and credit unions to ensure that you will get the most competitive finance rates on your pre-owned vehicle purchase. You can start the process now by applying for financing online or estimate your payments with our online payment calculator.

The Professionals at Dunn Ram Trucks looks forward to assisting you with your vehicle purchase.

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